
How to configure reports?

  • Reports in StatStream helps you to stay informed about your key parameters in a handy excel report.
  • You schedule excel reports on daily basis.
  • You can also upload your custom excel template file to schedule the reports.
  • Click on your Workspace Name to enter within your workspace.
  • Go to -> Administration tab on top right corner.
  • From the left side pane, Go to -> Reports.
  • Click New Report button on the top right corner.
  • Enter suitable Report Subject for your Report. Select Report type as Excel and sheet name as data (this is where your data will get imported).
  • Set Take data since last (Hours) value as per your requirement. Set the daily schedule and timezone.
  • Enter email address of the required users/members. Reports will be sent to these emails.
  • Select the required Variables from the dropdown list to send in reports.
  • Click on Save button.
  • Note- All reports will have “Epoch Timestamp”. You need to refer the below video in order to create a template that follows dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm format along with other customisations.
  • Refer to the below formula to convert epoch time to dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm format in your excel file:
  • =IF(data!A2="","",((data!A2+19800000)/86400000)+DATE(1970,1,1)) - This formula helps you to convert epoch time to standard date/time format in IST timezone (dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm).
  • =IF(data!B1="","",data!B1) , =IF(data!C1="","",data!C1) and so on (as per the count of your parameters columns in excel sheet will increase)- This formula helps you to copy your raw values from “data” sheet to your “Final report” sheet.


How to configure custom excel report template