Team Members

What is a team ?

  • Team is a set of users/members who can access your org account.
  • You can add and invite multiple users/members in your org account.
  • When a new team member is added to your org account, an email invite is sent to them.
  • The Org admins can assign different roles and permissions to the users/members on the org as well as workspace level.

What are roles within a team?

  • Organization role

    • You can assign org wide Administrator role to a user/member

    • The members with Administartor roles can perform below operations in the org account

      • Create a new workspace
      • Create a new device
      • Create a new device variable
      • Create a new connection method
      • Create a new discrete variable
      • Create a new dashboard
      • Add another member to the org account
      • Schedule custom excel reports
  • Workspace role

    • You can assign workspace specific role to a user/member, so they will only have access to those workspaces.
      • The member with Viewer role will only have read/view permissions for that workspace, they won’t be able to perform any create operations in the added workspace.

      • The member with Administrator role can perform below write operations within the assigned workspace

        • Create a new workspace
        • Create a new device
        • Create a new device variable
        • Create a new connection method
        • Create a new discrete variable
        • Create a new dashboard
        • Schedule custom excel reports

How to add/invite members?

Quick guide to add members in your account

  • Login to your Statstream Org account.
  • Go to -> Manage Organization and click the Team Members tab shown on the left side pane.
  • Click -> Add/Invite button and enter the Full Name and User Email of the user/member to be added.
  • An email invite will be sent to the user/member along with the required steps to login mentioned in the email.
  • Go to -> Team Members tab from the left side pane and click on the Name of the member and assgin the required organization and workspace role as per your requirement.